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In 2006, Madagascar produced around 12 tonnes of beryl (Al2Be3Si6O18), one of the most important commercial compounds of beryllium. World production of beryl in 2006 was around 500 tonnes.
As of 1999, the largest known crystal of any mineral in the world is a crystal of beryl from Madagascar, 18 metres long and 3.5 metres in diameter.
Carbon (Graphite)
Madagascar produced 15000 tonnes in both 2005 and 2006 of "lump" or "vein" graphite.
Madagascar and the Iveland-Evje Region in Norway are the only minable deposits of minerals with high scandium content, thortveitite (Y,Sc)2(Si2O7) and kolbeckite (ScPO4.2H2O).
In 2006, Madagascar produced 132335 tonnes of chromium ores and concentrates. Total worldwide production in 2006 was 19.2 million tonnes.